HOT (Human Origins Today) Topic - Chasing tales: humans, dogs, and evolution [ONLINE]
Location: Online
Dogs were the first domesticated animals and have been an ever present part of humanity since that time. Yet, we know very little about how this relationship began. When were dogs domesticated and how? Where were they domesticated and how many times? Angela Perri, a zooarchaeologist at Chronicle Heritage and Texas A&M University, discussed recent research into dog domestication and the earliest human-dog relationships and explores why the beginnings of this enduring relationship remain such a mystery.
Moderator: Briana Pobiner, paleoanthropologist and educator at Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History.
This Zoom webinar with Angela Perri aired live on May 18, 2023 as part of the ongoing "HOT (Human Origins Today) Topic" series.